Romańczuk Wacław
ppor. Romańczuk Wacław, 1919/99/III, KD, 94/44-202/44, Nr 335 - 5KDP, Ranny 6.VII.44 w walkach pod m. Paterniano (Włochy). Rozk. 13 B.S. Nr 111/44. Leg. za rany przesłano do 4 Bryg. Piech. Ldz. 845/45 z dn. 8.IX.45.
After the War ended Waclaw came and settled down in the United Kingdom, where in 1966 he applied for and was granted British Citizanship, whilst working as a Book Keeper at 46 Kingsmead Road, London, S.W.2 date approved 28th January 1966, London Gazette dated 22nd March 1966.
Waclaw Romanczuk died in Greenwich in 1980.